Our Portugal Yoga Retreats

A retreat is an opportunity to rediscover and to find yourself again

Imagine a retreat in a familiar and intimate environment, where the practice of Yoga is always present, as a means for self-discovery and consequent personal growth.

Our Portugal Yoga Retreats are thought out in detail, so that the entire environment created is favorable to that image, so that you feel truly welcomed and that you spend truly transforming days!

Whether it’s Yoga retreats for a weekend or a few more days, on an intensive basis or “Vacation with Yoga”, for Adults or Children, our goal is always that on the day you leave, you feel more enriched, more inspired and more aware of the path you want to take in your life!

If you are looking for a break, a full dedication to yourself time, an opportunity to align yourself with your goals… A retreat full of content, experiences and sharing can lead you towards a true transmutation!

Embark on this Journey with Us!

Our next retreats
Portugal Azores Yoga Retreat
Portugal Algarve Yoga Retreat

A Yoga Retreat on a wonderful island, where every landscape is an inspiration!
In this Retreat you will have the opportunity to reconcile the practice of Yoga with the exploration of the island´s nature, from the depths of the rock to the top of the mountains! It will be 6 days of environmental discovery, but also of inner discovery, where harmony with nature will be a constant!

Would you dare?

Registrations are open!

Secure your Spot!

This Retreat will provide you with a transformative weekend, where you can reconnect with your deepest Self, in a familiar and intimate environment where the practice of Yoga, meditation and silence will be a gateway to rediscover yourself and work on your self knowledge.

A short-term retreat, great for a mid-year break to assess and re-route.

New retreats in 2025, march 28th to 30th and June 7th to 10th, follow us for more info!

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